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The training is based on Motorcycle Roadcraft – the police rider’s handbook to better motorcycling. The core of this is the five part ‘system’ which aims to train riders to be more alert, more perceptive to hazards, more sympathetic and considerate to other road users, more aware of probable dangers, to teach riders to prepare for the expected, predict the unexpected and use all available information instinctively.

Advanced Motorcycle Training

Through one-to-one rider-tutor sessions on the road, our trained tutors follow the associate. They periodically stop to give advice and suggest where improvement can be made, and encourage fine tuning in the techniques which are positive.
Most riders possess many of the skills required to attain a RoSPA advanced test pass, we encourage areas of strength and aim to improve areas of weakness through the correct use of the system of motorcycle control. The purpose of the training is to make the associate a smoother rider, who will brake less, anticipate hazards earlier resulting in a more fluid and less stressful riding style. This will often make journeys quicker and more enjoyable.

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